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What Is This?

PCMatic is the online character sheet sharing site for use with the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. Use it with play-by-post, text chat, or live chat games. PCMatic is 100% free to use, with no advertising and no tracking of your browsing habits.

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Forgot your password? Enter your username above, then click here to request a password reset.

Are you a MapMatic +2 user? If so, your existing MapMatic +2 user account will also work with PCMatic.

Terms of Use and Data Collection Policy

PCMatic is a free service. As you do not pay to use it, neither may you expect it to be suitable for any use. No warranty, express or implied, is given. Using this service for illegal purposes is expressly prohibited. By using the service you are agreeing to these terms.

This site collects only the bare minimum amount of information required to provide the service. In particular, you do not have to give your real name. An email address is required for registration and password reset operations. The site does log your activity for a brief period of time, which will normally not exceed a day. This is required to make the service work. Occasionally, during periods of low usage (considering all users, not just you), the site may keep some activity records longer than the normal limit of one day; any usage at all on the site will result in such records being deleted. While it is not the intent of the operator of this site to keep records, it may be unavoidable due to circumstances beyond our control. By using the service you are also agreeing to these terms.

PCMatic Copyright © 2013-2023 Chris Gonnerman. All Rights Reserved.